Guidance on leveraging sustainability pathways to accelerate formalization: The role of companies in mitigating informality
The guidance note explores how private sector companies in Egypt can facilitate the transition to the formal economy in two key areas: formalizing workers and working conditions within the enterprise, and transitioning informal economic units and their workers within their supply chains to the formal sector.
It has emerged from a series of workshops held to raise awareness among formal sector enterprises to address the challenges of transitioning to the formal economy and highlight how enterprises can facilitate this transition through legal compliance and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

Identifying skills for transitions to formality in the Lebanese agri-food sector
This study analyses skills in the Lebanese agri-food sector, focusing on the status and trends in demand for skills in formal and informal occupations identified in two selected agri-food subsectors, (1) dairy production, and (2) non-alcoholic beverages.
The two subsectors were selected in collaboration with a reference group comprising representatives of the trade unions CGTL and FENASOL, the Association of Lebanese Industrialists (ALI), the ministries of labour, agriculture and industry, and the Ministry of Education Directorate General of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (DGTVET).
Diagnostic analysis of informality in agriculture, agri-food, and construction in Lebanon
This study seeks in particular to analyse the causes and characteristics of informality in three sectors of the Lebanese economy with high employment rates for youth, or with the potential to increase such rates. Informality is a serious impediment to attaining long-term economic growth and creating enough job opportunities. The expansion of the informal economy, which has been further propelled by the prolonged financial, economic and political difficulties Lebanon has faced since 2019, is an obstacle to workers’ pursuit of decent, formal work opportunities.

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